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Thursday, July 16, 2009


Snapshot of Places Table

Snapshot of Distances Table

My ME project is about designing Intelligent Route Finding System using Novel Approach. Novel Approach is improvement of A* algorithm. The base paper for my project is : A Novel Approach for Intelligent Route Finding through Cumulative Proximity Evaluation. I have demonstrated my project by creating an application that finds shortest path between any two places in Chennai city. As described in the base paper, I have used Haversine Formula to find distance between two adjacent places. I have used Wikimapia site to find the longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates. But I have not made any comparative analysis between A* algorithm and Novel Algorithm. The source code files for this project can be found at: Madhu’s Google Site. But I have not uploaded the database files. The main algorithm is found at file.

Software Used:
Ø MySQL Server 5.0 (Database)
Ø MySQL GUI Tools 5.0 (GUI tools to work with database)
Ø MySQL Connector/J (For JDBC)
Ø Apache Tomcat Server 5.5.27 (Web Server)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....