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Monday, June 14, 2010

Filling Income Tax Return - Some Tips

The following points will help in filling ITR-1 (Saral-II) for Assessment Year (2010-11) and Financial Year (2009-10).
Please download the following file for detailed Information:

Filing Status
·         Designation of Assessing Officer:
Use the following link to find the Assessing Officer (Use Internet Explorer, Google Chrome is not working properly for this site)

·         Return Filed Under Section
The codes corresponding to the section under which a return is being filed are as under:-

i. Voluntarily before the due date under section 139 -           11
ii. Voluntarily after the due date under section 139   -           12
iii. In response to notice under section 142(1)            -         13
iv. In response to notice under section 148                -         14
v. In response to notice under section 153A/ 153C    -        15

Income & Deductions
·         Income chargeable under the Head “Salaries”(Salary/Pension)
It is calculated after deducting allowances under section 10 (HRA & Transport) and allowances under section 16 (Entertainment & Professional Tax Paid)
·         Income chargeable under the Head “Other Sources”
It includes Interest from bank deposits and dividends from equities owned by foreign companies.

Point 27: Exempt Income only for reporting purposes
It includes Mutual Funds dividends and dividends from domestic equities. It also includes capital gains made from shares after deducting STT.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Snapshot of Places Table

Snapshot of Distances Table

My ME project is about designing Intelligent Route Finding System using Novel Approach. Novel Approach is improvement of A* algorithm. The base paper for my project is : A Novel Approach for Intelligent Route Finding through Cumulative Proximity Evaluation. I have demonstrated my project by creating an application that finds shortest path between any two places in Chennai city. As described in the base paper, I have used Haversine Formula to find distance between two adjacent places. I have used Wikimapia site to find the longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates. But I have not made any comparative analysis between A* algorithm and Novel Algorithm. The source code files for this project can be found at: Madhu’s Google Site. But I have not uploaded the database files. The main algorithm is found at file.

Software Used:
Ø MySQL Server 5.0 (Database)
Ø MySQL GUI Tools 5.0 (GUI tools to work with database)
Ø MySQL Connector/J (For JDBC)
Ø Apache Tomcat Server 5.5.27 (Web Server)

Sunday, September 28, 2008



There is a article on "The Hindu" dated September 29, 2008 on free teleconference:
Now hold teleconferences free of cost

Currently this service is available in Mumbai and Bangalore. Other cities can also use this service but they will have to make long distance calls. It is developed by Hotmail fame Sabeer Bhatia and his partner.

Website: SabseBolo - Talk To Everyone

BSNL - Free Internet Dial-Up
BSNL offers dial-up Internet free, for now

BSNL offers free CLI based dial up internet access for two months

This service is only available between September 1, 2008 and October 31, 2008.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


The following article from "The Hindu - Property Plus" dated September 13, 2008 gives tips to save electricity power.
Simple steps, a big gain

The following article from "The Hindu - Property Plus" dated September 13, 2008 highlights about changing roof color to white to reduce global warming.
Your roof colour matters

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


1. Network Security Journal
2. Journal of Universal Computer Science
3. Journal of Computer Science and Technology
4. Association for Computing Machinery
5. IEEE Xplore
6. Genamics
7. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


This is an article from THE PROPERTY PLUS, THE HINDU dated September 29, 2007.

It discusses about green homes and buildings. It gives inputs to design our own green homes.